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Agya Chakra

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Agya Chakra

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Agya chakra is another name of ajna chakra which is widely known as third-eye. The Ajna chakra is one of the seven major chakras in the human body. It is located at the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows. It is associated with intuition, insight, imagination, and spiritual awareness. It is said to be the seat of higher consciousness, and it is through this chakra that we can connect with our inner guidance and develop our psychic abilities. When the Ajna chakra is balanced and open, we are able to see things more clearly and have a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We are also more connected to our intuition and able to trust our inner wisdom. However, when the Ajna chakra is blocked or imbalanced, we may experience confusion, lack of clarity, and difficulty making decisions. We may also feel disconnected from our intuition and inner guidance.

There are various practices and techniques that can be used to balance and activate the Ajna chakra, including meditation, visualization, yoga, and energy healing. These practices can help to awaken our intuition, increase our spiritual awareness, and enhance our overall well-being.Meditation is a powerful way to balance and activate the Ajna chakra. By sitting in a quiet, peaceful place and focusing our attention on the third eye, we can begin to awaken this chakra and tap into our inner wisdom. Visualization exercises, such as imagining a bright blue light at the center of the forehead, can also be helpful in activating the Ajna chakra.

Yoga poses that are particularly beneficial for the Ajna chakra include the child’s pose, downward facing dog, and eagle pose. These poses help to increase circulation to the forehead and stimulate the third eye. Energy healing techniques, such as Reiki and acupuncture, can also be helpful in balancing and activating the Ajna chakra. By working with the body’s energy centers, these practices can help to clear any blockages and promote a healthy flow of energy throughout the body. Also this field will help clearing the blockages and stimulate high flow of energy through ajna chakra. The Ajna chakra is not only related to intuition and spiritual awareness, but it is also closely associated with discipline and willpower. This chakra governs our ability to focus, concentrate, and make decisions based on our inner guidance.When the Ajna chakra is balanced and open, we are able to access our inner wisdom and make decisions with clarity and confidence. We are also able to stay focused on our goals and make the necessary sacrifices to achieve them. This requires discipline and willpower, which are both enhanced by a strong and balanced Ajna chakra.

On the other hand, when the Ajna chakra is blocked or imbalanced, we may struggle with decision-making and lack the focus and discipline needed to achieve our goals. We may also experience mental fog, confusion, and difficulty concentrating.The Ajna chakra is associated with the color indigo and is often represented by a lotus flower with two petals. These petals represent the two main nadis (energy channels) that intersect at the third eye, known as the Ida and Pingala. In addition to its association with intuition, spiritual awareness, discipline, and willpower, the Ajna chakra is also connected to our higher consciousness and our ability to perceive the world beyond the physical realm.

According to the yogic tradition, the activation of the Ajna chakra can lead to the development of siddhis, or psychic powers. These powers may include clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, and other abilities related to extrasensory perception. However, it’s important to note that the development of these abilities is not the main goal of working with the Ajna chakra. Rather, the focus should be on cultivating a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, and on accessing our inner wisdom to make decisions that are in alignment with our true nature. By activating this chakra we can access our true potential and live a more fulfilling life. The benefits associated with this fields are-

*Total control over ajna chakra.

* Cleanse agya chakra.

* Remove blockages of ajna chakra.

*Full command over whole body.

*High flow of energy in ajna chakra.

*Ajna chakra is highly active.

*Total command over reality ( third eye chakra is mainly related to manifestation so if your ajna chakra is strong and you have good command over it , then you can command reality easily too).

* Whole scattered energy of body starts flowing through Agya cya chakra.

*Total sexual energy of body will start flowing through the agya chakra ( as we know we all are sexual being , the sexual energy is vert prominent in our body so this field will push the sexual energy from root and sacral chakra to the ajna chakra so you may feel little less sexual for some hours and feel very calm and in control of your lust and desires, so you can see desires from a very rational and clear third person point of view).

*Be able to command and control your thoughts ,emotions and gibberish of mind.

*Have a very very strong will power.

*Being able to break patterns that you don’t like ( of procrastination and low will power etc.)

*Being able to control urges.

*Go more deeply in meditation easily.

*Activate psychic sense over the time ( its a very individual thing so its quite a surprise which sense will start opening up).

Do not use this field more than once a day cause it may start giving you energy overload symptoms . In case you do it , try to do grounding to get relief from those symptoms. Accompany this field with meditation for better results.

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